Category: Inside my head


So much around has changed, and so much still continues to. Oftentimes we think we hate it, but only when we realize how we, too, are simultaneously changing, does it finally bring along the contentment it’s meant to make us feel. Turns out if nothing changes alongside what happens on the inside, we’d hate it […]

Procrastination loop

My life is turning into an endless series of putting things off because I don’t have the energy to do them now, then having to carry the heavy weight of not being able to move them off my list all week long, until I finally get around to finishing them after it’s already too late […]


Opposites Black vs. white Either/or It’s always one or the other. I get it, that’s how we make sense of the world. But that’s not how human beings function. That’s not how things are supposed to work. When a person isn’t able to stay strong through their hardships, it doesn’t automatically make them weak. It […]

Safely Scared

I don’t know about you, but I’m lately realizing that when someone shares with me their genuine thoughts about something that scares them, and that happens to scare me too, in some way, it scares me less. Even if it used to completely terrify me earlier. It’s almost like there’s this dark space somewhere inside […]

The should-have-beens

If I knew then what I know now, I know I wouldn’t have come close to what I now regret having done. But it’s only because I’ve done what I wish I could undo, that I now know what I wish I knew then. ––– My mind seems to find joy in replaying certain scenes […]

Anxiety Hugs

This is just to document that I’ve been postponing writing an important paper for over a month now. I’ve probably come up with ALL kinds of excuses that would help me procrastinate even more, because I knew that what comes after the paper will probably only bring me anxiety. And so as even more time […]

Open tabs

I rarely ever close tabs on my laptop. Sometimes I keep them so I’d get back to them later. Sometimes I get used to their presence. Sometimes I just forget. There’s always some reason. But every once in a while, my laptop crashes or my fingers accidentally hit a button, and I lose them all. […]


Beginnings are hard. They’re probably the hardest. I’ve been posting daily pieces online since January 2020, but one month off has made me feel I’ll never be able to write a single word ever again. Even though I’ve closely watched my own consistency for over a year, one month away just made me doubt everything […]


My fingers hold the pen. My pen touches the paper. My paper’s cut. I look down…there’s a hole. My hole comes to life, the hole I had been pretending doesn’t even exist inside. Because sometimes, its intensity refuses to come out in words. I try to give my tears a voice, but my ducts cannot […]

I always thought…

I always thought I had a problem opening up, until I came across those who get what it means to actually listen. I always thought I had trouble saying no, until I got to know those who never accept my “yes” if they slightly doubt I don’t really mean it. I always thought I’d forever […]