You’re not behind

I know it might not seem like it on most days, but you’re not behind. I promise. You’re not alone either. There are so many people on this path with you, but we often fail to see those right next to us, because we’re constantly distracted by those who’ve been running their own miles for literally hundreds of light-years before we even attempted to walk. And we wonder why our own warm ups aren’t getting us to where they all already are. We don’t see the times when they chose to quit along the way, but were lucky enough to find those who were able to push them right back. We don’t see all the times they still slipped over and got so terribly injured, because success – whatever that means, has the ability to momentarily hide all their bruises until right when you decide to look away. Right when your eyes shift back to where your own feet lie. And you forget to celebrate how far those fingers have gone, because they’re not where everyone else is. Well, guess what? No one’s where you think they are. This whole race is only really a mentally-constructed loop, with no finish line. Those you think are ahead of you, are just as stuck as you are. They’re just stuck on a different side of life. One that you haven’t been exposed to just yet, because you’re so focused on walking other people’s paths, when none of them will ever guide you to where you’re supposed to end up. Because that’s a place no one’s meant to reach but you. Yet you’re busy, thinking about how much you’re behind.