You don’t need to prove anything to anyone

I don’t know who needs to hear this today, but you really don’t.

You don’t need to prove anything to anyone.

There will always be expectations, there will always be places they’ll make you feel you have to reach, or dreams that aren’t even yours yet you still feel you’re expected to achieve. You really don’t need to. Not now, and not in a million more years, if that’s what you personally don’t want to.

You don’t need to prove yourself through anything you do. You are you, and that is enough. You don’t have to give reasons. You don’t have to have something visible that you can point at and showcase your self-worth through.

The expectations will never end. Your mental sanity and peace of mind are way more important than fulfilling any of them. Because you are way more important than all the insecurities other people will always unconsciously continue projecting on you.

I hope you never, ever forget that.