You can make anything by writing
This is one of the quotes I have on my wall, and constantly pause at as I realize how true it is. It’s a major takeaway from my entire writing journey, yet it was particularly highlighted this year while exploring Journal To The Self, and getting to learn about all the things I can do in and with my journal.
It largely felt made up at first, but then with the freedom of being able to do anything on my paper, I got to enjoy creating my own world everyday. I could bring people back to life, and relive a few more moments with them. I could also kill those I no longer wished to have around. Killing people in your head is totally a thing, yet getting to do it on paper gives it a special flavor, it makes it feel so real. As real as being able to bring yourself to your own closures sometimes. I’ve ended relationships on paper that I thought would forever linger around, and I’ve been able to appreciate the ones I really care about; the more I practiced gratitude and watched that literally transform my life.
I could talk to God and sometimes have Him send me His messages through my words, every time I surprised myself with what came out. I’ve been able to release my own tears a lot easier, and felt them physically cleanse my insides, as I wrote about all the things I never got the chance to speak about out loud. I’ve talked myself out of things, and made sure to give her credit for all what my mind still tends to criticize.
I’ve witnessed people talk to their anxieties in their journals, making better sense of them. I’ve witnessed even more conversations with parts of their bodies, and surprisingly recognized pieces of myself in their lines. I’ve seen magic happen, the more those writers were willing to really connect with themselves. The more they realized the power of their pens and embraced what it chose to make out of them.
I’ve seen SO many things, feelings, even relationships, come to life because of writing. And I pray I never give up on any of this, because really, you can make ANYTHING by writing. That’s a blessing I’ll never be able to thank God enough for. 🤍