Writing in Groups

If 2020 brought me closer to my journals, 2021 took me to a whole new world of journaling in groups.

There’s something super powerful about writing with someone. The journal is a very private place, yet feeling safe while doing something so private in the presence of others who’re ready to simply hold space for me, often takes me to places I know I’d never reach on my own. The physical act of moving our pens and fingers together – each their own way, usually inspired by the very same writing prompt, then sharing insights afterwards, has been one of the most therapeutic experiences of my year.

Besides giving a louder voice to some of my most private thoughts, these settings always feel like a warm, squeezing hug to my insides. A hug to many of my pieces that are constantly anxious, yet unexpectedly find it in them to slow down and breathe. To others that always felt alienated, up until they heard someone in the room express them so eloquently, like they carry them too. And to some more holding the shame that gradually starts fading away – only in a setting like that.

Something about writing makes us more honest. Something about putting pen to paper brings life to our most authentic sides, and something about listening and sharing allows us to collectively make peace with being human in ways I always struggle to clearly or fully explain.

I’ve recently been facilitating sessions where we don’t get to write for more than 15 minutes in total, yet I get to watch how those few minutes can bring out words we might have needed very long hours to find, if we were each writing alone. When I think about it, I realize it’s not about me, the duration, or the prompts, as much as it’s truly about the group setting and what each person uniquely brings to the room. I’m so incredibly grateful I get to witness something so magical this closely, alhamdulillah!

Totally walking into 2022 with a strong urge to write more in groups. Who’s in? 🥰