Write your worst line!

Day 1 (Feb 6): Are you done with your line for the day?
12 confirmations

"قعدت اقول ليه بشوف نفسى كده والجمله دى عايزه تقولى ايه ...."  أسئلة مهمة جدااا 🙂

"That was a funny experience.. I had so much fun actually 😅 I started by using a light grey pen that is actually unreadable. I thought okk maybe that is how it will be my worst writing ever. But then I was really angry the last couple of days and elhamdolellah I was able to let some anger out by writing in an angry way 😂.. I felt as if I’m shouting but using my pen 😍" – Yaaayy for having fun with it, that's the whole purpose! 😀 I'm soso glad you were able to bring some of your anger out through writing, very inspiring! 😍

"I just started so there isn’t anything much but to be honest it kind made my day easier and helped me sleep since my head was kind of clear of all these thoughts that was in my head I’m willing to countinue and hopefully soon it will be a habit 💪🏻"  This was very heartwarming to read! Yay you :))

Day 2 (Feb 7): Are you done with your line for the day?
11 confirmations

"بدايه اليوم أو قبل ما انام"

"I write usually before I prepare to sleep. I feel this is the time where I can sit best by myself and gather my emotions and thinking to write"

"I usually write late at night but I wrote in the morning the last couple of days and I enjoyed the change."

"Before bed time"

– It's interesting that those are always the 2 most preferred times of the day!

"Before I sleep or in the middle of the day were I find it really hard to focus because of a certain thought so I write it down" – That's a great choice too!

Day 3 (Feb 8): Are you done with your line for the day?
10 confirmations

"Minimum half a page 🙂" – Awesome!

"I an trying to stick to a line or two max to develop the habit and make it easy for me" – I love this! Keep going 💪🏻

"Around half a page" – Nice!

"More than a line" Yay 🙂

Day 4 (Feb 9): Are you done with your line for the day?
8 confirmations

"this is the first time in a while that I am able to write about something that happened through the day. Usually I think about what I write on the spot but today is the first time in a while I write about an inspiration that came earlier and I succeeded in keeping it in my mind till my writing time" – That's an awesome achievementttt! I know exactly what you mean, and it's great that you were able to do it. Alhamdulillah!

Day 5 (Feb 10): Are you done with your line for the day?
10 confirmations

"I'm more comfortable now writing in messy way. I don't know if I'll go back to a neat way after this challenge 😄" - HAHA I'm actually really glad you're more comfortable with this now!! 😀

"Yes sometimes I am trying now to just let the words flow and hopefully at the end they will make a good thing" So glad to know!!

"Only today when I was thinking of sharing what I’m writing with someone I found myself trying to write perfectly, but I then kept reminding myself that I don’t have to share it and that actually this is a worst line challenge ♥️ But during the previous days I was trying to find ways of how to write in a messy way 😅" - It's exactly in that awareness of "trying to write perfectly" and stopping yourself when you realize it; you said it all. Glad you're conscious of the process! 🙂

Day 6 (Feb 11): Are you done with your line for the day?
9 confirmations

"My favorite part is when I try to break down an issue into smaller parts trying to find a solution or trying to explore the core.. the hardest part is to have the courage to deeply explore those issues and facing what will be written even if it will hurt." That's one of the most accurate descriptions of writing I've ever heard. Wow, love it!!

Day 7 (Feb 12): Are you done with your line for the day?
8 confirmations

"Looking back, I actually can't believe I wrote every day for two weeks. I write first thing in the morning. Thank you." – This brought the widest smile to my face! I'm so proud of you, and so grateful you're part of this journey. :')

"I've been writing for more than 2 years, but lately I started missing days and days turned to a whole week without writing anything, which is why I joined this challenge. I missed a day but still I'm getting back on track. Thank you." – I'm so glad you're slowly finding your way back. Missing one day is totally fine, as long as you keep coming back again. :))