Words have power

This is yet another reflection on the most precious gift I’ve received for my birthday!

Among the words I got to read, were messages copied from conversations I’ve had with the people who shared them, reflecting on how something I once said has affected them in some way. And that was just one of the most mind-blowing parts of the experience.

I’ve had someone screenshot a message I sent back in *2014* that I don’t even remember having typed out myself! And other quotes from texts I would’ve never imagined would stay with someone that long. It’s true I already believed in the power of words way before this, yet I now believe in that a thousand times more.

Because the words you say/write can only take a few seconds to think about and let out, yet the impact they can have on those who hear/read them might possibly last for a lifetime, without you knowing anything about it. And all those little things you do for others that you think often go unnoticed, can end up touching people in ways you wouldn’t possibly imagine.

I’ve learned so much from this. So much. And so I just wanted to document this for my future self if she ever starts doubting again: please remember to never hold back when it comes to expressing the things you genuinely feel towards others, no matter how insignificant they might sometimes sound, and no matter how you think you might come off as a little too much, because words are powerful and their real impact can sometimes be too hard to even explain in words.