When you run out of words..

This has been me for the longest while; running away every time the words refused to come out.

It no longer surprises me though, that very little of what’s on my mind, gets to make it out on paper whenever I sit down to journal or write. I just no longer beat myself up for it. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Because I know that just like a good conversation can flow much smoother with the right questions and inputs, the awkward silences we experience with our blank pages often need the same. They need a place to start, they need some kind of follow up, and above all, they need more of our patience throughout the process.

One thing I love doing is: I keep a list of short sentences or questions that I can turn to and use whenever my mind’s blocked. Some of my favorites that always get me started are:

➡️ Right now I feel…
➡️ What’s going on?
➡️ Today, I’m grateful for…

If you ever feel stuck with writing, please don’t assume it’s because you have nothing to say or that you’ll never be able to express yourself. 😶

You have sooo much within!

Just set your timer for 5 minutes, and use one of the prompts above. ✨

I promise, you’ll be surprised. 🤓