When writing about trauma

Here are 3 tips to keep in mind for when you’re writing about something heavy:

✍️ Time your writing. Set your timer somewhere between 1–5 min(s) and stop when time’s up! Consider approaching the issue over a number of days; it’s not always possible to process things in one single write.

✍️ Listen to your body and stop when you feel too triggered. Focus on your breath, heart rate, muscle tension. These are helpful signs that you might need to pause even before time’s up, and maybe come back later.

✍️ Stay grounded by focusing on your senses. Play music in the background. Use essential oils. Hold onto a blanket or a pillow. Feel your feet on the ground. Choose any of those to be able to bring yourself to the present moment.

🔴 Above all, it’s always much safer to do this with/under the supervision of a professional. Talk to your therapist before you decide to dig deeper into these writes, they’ll offer better guidance too!

Healing is a messy process, so whatever you do, I hope you always remember to take care of yourself. 🙏🏼