What if you actually make it?

What if you actually make it?

Starting from scratch, stepping into a new territory.
Doing it so openly, where everyone gets to see,
While you’re not even sure what it is that they’re seeing.
You start looking at yourself through the eyes of everyone else.
Your thoughts take you to all what they’re possibly thinking of.
Which you can never really tell, yet your mind will still do it for you.

Because yes it can be courageous, but it’s still so incredibly mortifying;
Giving them access to the wounds you’d carefully been hiding.
Not only exposing them, but also consciously choosing,
To leave them uncovered for everyone to continue staring.
Leading the way for those fingers that would only leave them bleeding,
And showing them exactly where it hurts, so they’d continue pressing against it.
So you’d get to stay behind, to clean up the mess.

And you never make it.

To where you’re meant to be heading.

Maybe the wounds don’t even exist.
Maybe your skin has never been clearer.
Maybe it’s your mind trying to protect you,
Because it’s realizing you’ve never been nearer.
To where you’ve always wanted to be,
To where you’ve only ever dreamed of,
To where you know you belong.

Because in your heart,
You know it.

You’ve always known it.

You’ve just got to start somewhere.

Because your mind doesn’t even think of the possibility of yet another failure.

All it’s ever really scared of is…

What if you actually make it?