
Day 1: Are you done with your 10 mins?
12 confirmations

"It was awesome, I really loved it. First I didn't know what to write about so I decided to write what comes to my mind and it worked, I wrote 2 papers in 10 minutes."

"I tried my best to write but i couldn't complete the 10 mins I don't know why? Is it cause i can't write down what i am feeling or cause i am so tried and exhausted or i cant express my feelings right .. i don't know."

"I tried not to stop but i might have stopped couple of times."

"I ended up writing for almost an hour!"

"I was interrupted in the middle."

"Not really! BUT I am happy I wrote on paper. That’s a great achievement for me."

"I took some extra min. Even."

"Released negativity. Only wrote for 8 mins."

Day 2: Are you done with your 10 mins?
10 confirmations

"The most challenging part is that today is my first day at work since 5 months ... usually I don't do anything after work for 3 or 4 hours, and although I'm tired but I found the strength inside to write for 10 min which is great."

"The "not to stop writing" part is extremely challenging"

"To start and to stop writing after 10 min."

"It felt like venting to a friend and I feel lighter. Writing started to become an important part of my day. Not lifting the pen at all is still a bit challenging but I'm getting used to it."

"The most challenging part I would say is not taking the pen off of the paper during the 10 minutes."

"I was shocked to see two completely different emotions in two days! First day was blue and second day was happy! I realized nothing is permanent! Not even our emotions! Life is all about going through the changes."

Day 3: Are you done with your 10 mins?
9 confirmations

"It’s been 13 days since I started writing daily, starting the previous challenge and I think I started to develop a yearning for writing. There’s a lot going on in my head everyday, that if it’s not emptied regularly, my head would be too crowded after a few days. I am not sure how I survived months without getting all of my thoughts and emotions out on paper/phone. I am gradually starting to realize that this might be a reason my attention span was sometimes short. Basically, my brain couldn’t handle taking in anything new. There was no space for more! My only assumption, is that because I used to get them written down every few weeks, that helped a little but, but not enough. Thank you for reading all of my rant. In a nutshell, I am grateful that Allah allowed me to write for 13 days in a row and I hope I never stop doing it."

"I actively planned for my 10-minutes and even wrote it down on my to-do list, so that’s an improvement! At first, I wasn’t sure if I had anything to say to my paper. But, once I put the pen down on the paper, I didn’t stop until the 10 minutes were over."

"I wrote in the morning and I am proud that I finally made it."

Day 4: Are you done with your 10 mins?
7 confirmations

"Yes, trying to commit to the challenge and the new habit"

"Today, it came easy to me. I think writing started to be more like a habit for me."

"Finally I did it.. yesterday was a crowded day but i wrote early this morning."

"I didn’t write on my third day. And I guess when our emotions are neutral it’s so hard to write. Writing comes easy to me when I’m dealing with a negative emotion. This was the day I realized how uneasy it is to be consistent at writing! I love challenges though.. I’m competitive ahahaha so I’m definitely going to push myself now!"

Day 5: Are you done with your 10 mins?
6 confirmations

"I feel at peace Alhmdulilah. I think I have been unconsciously focusing on the negative or annoying parts in the day that I almost cant see the countless blessings I am surrounded with so today I decided to try to be more grateful."

"It's getting easier. I set 3 different times for writing to be flexible with myself."

"Today I found few thoughts to write about."

"I wrote, but less than 10 minutes, way less than 10, and that’s fine as long as i wrote something."

"Im looooooving the process so far!! Love writing! Love that I’ll have this as a piece of memory. And look back and smile inshAllah."

Day 6: Are you done with your 10 mins?
7 confirmations

"I do it on paper. I enjoy it more than typing. As the guy on the video said, as a perfectionist, writing on paper helps me to be more focused. And it makes me feel more in control."

"I love writing on paper. I’m not really a ‘typing on a digital device’ kind of person. So, it feels great to do it on paper."

"From the beginning of the challenges I write on paper because it feels more special and more therapeutic in a way. Also, I am less likely to edit what I am writing when writing on paper."

"Writing in general makes me feel calmer."

"The "uninterrupting" part is very irritating. It's holding me back from taking a min to think and dig deep in my thoughts or to contemplate."

"I wrote in the afternoon and that’s an achievement for me. I’ve been trying to not write at night for the past two weeks and it only worked out today. Honestly, the reason it did is because I wrote for less than 10 minutes last night."

Day 7: Are you done with your 10 mins?
7 confirmations

"Going into the first challenge I never thought I would actually write for 17 consecutive days which is definitely my longest streak ever. I am genuinely enjoying this soo much, I feel more connected to myself somehow and more at peace. Writing doesn't feel like a task anymore, it became an important part of the day. I noticed that in this challenge I wrote more than I used to in the first one because I had to continue writing and I think it was a good exercise to challenge myself. I also managed to write at least a couple of hours before I go to sleep and it made a huge difference in the writing experience so I hope I continue doing that. Somehow a small success in a habit gives me hope in my ability to build other habits so I am grateful for how this challenge is constructed the simplicity of the 10 mins, the accountability of confirming and inspiration from the reflections and the helpful tips."

"To be very honest, throughout this challenge I didn’t focus on the main goal, not lifting my pen. This makes it seem like I failed in this challenge. But for me, I believe that I didn’t because my priorities were different. I had two goals; staying consistent no matter what, and writing on paper. I stayed consistent and I wrote on paper on 5 days. I am honestly really excited for the next challenge, because it goes more along with my personal writing goals."