Travel hugs

Something about the way you hug each other changes as soon as you realize you might not be sharing that hug as often as you’d like to. Something about that realization makes your hugs way tighter, more loving, and a lot more wordy through the silence.

There’s that hug on your first meeting in a long while, when you slowly start remembering how it used to feel being around one another. When you involuntarily start closing your eyes as you wrap your arms around each other, not wanting any other image to get in the way between you and both your smiles on each side, knowing full well that that reminiscent smile’s breaking through each of your faces without having to utter a word. That first hug speaks all what words fail to explain about how much you’ve missed each other, how so much has happened on both your sides, and how badly you wish you had been there witnessing it all.

But that’s not even close to the last hug you share right before you have to walk away. When you want to say I love you, but it feels more like I hate the distance please make it go away. When you want to say I’ll miss you, but it only comes out in tears down your face. When you want to explain how much pain it brings you, but you know it’s probably causing you both just the same. So you silently agree to hold in your breaths, stay quiet, and squeeze instead. And for those few seconds, it feels like your worlds literally freeze. For neither of you wishes to be the first person to let go.

As much as those hugs are so full of ache, they’re still among the top extremely genuine gestures no one can ever fake. Something about knowing you’re sharing something this rare, makes it land straight into your heart, and very few things in life can actually make your insides experience such warmth.