Traffic Lights

I’ve only really realized today, how the traffic lights shift from green to yellow to red, when we’re almost about to stop. And yet, it goes straight to green when it’s time to start moving again. And I think, I might have something to learn from that. Because for the longest time, I’ve been waiting for my own traffic lights to turn yellow, after having been so comfortable with their reds. I’ve been waiting for some sort of signal, so I can finally hit the gas. But maybe the signals are only supposed to show up on the way. Maybe the (re)start phase doesn’t need all the preparation I keep stuffing my own path with. Maybe it’s about taking the decision. Just that. Giving myself the green light I need. And simply keeping an eye out for potential pitfalls, for those shall have their own ambers in advance. And when they’re out of the way, I’ll only need to resume. Without leaving my vehicle. Without turning off its motor. Without doubting if it will be able to make it to the end of the road.

Because traffic lights, are only meant to keep things in order after all.