Tips & Tricks

Preventative Journaling

You know how they say prevention is better than cure? I kind of started applying that with writing. For the longest time, I used to postpone journaling until after I go through something tough. It used to be my outlet following those experiences that brought along intense feelings – it still is. And yet, I’ve […]

When you run out of words..

This has been me for the longest while; running away every time the words refused to come out. It no longer surprises me though, that very little of what’s on my mind, gets to make it out on paper whenever I sit down to journal or write. I just no longer beat myself up for […]

Daily Practice

Here’s the thing: When you commit to a daily practice, it’s certainly not always rainbows and butterflies! 👀 After 2+ years of journaling consistently, it still often gets hard for me, especially at the end of those days when I don’t have time to breathe. And yet, I’ve promised myself to commit to the process […]

The words I wish I’d say

There are words I wish I could say, and others I’ve said yet ended up regretting. When I choose to let them out on paper, they don’t always entirely leave my body. But they often do sound less scary, less guilt-ridden. Sometimes I get to voice them in real life, sometimes I decide to follow […]

For your future self

There’s nothing I enjoy more than going back to my old journals whenever a significant date comes up, and realizing I’m able to rewind back to exactly how I felt at the time. I know my dates very well; the ones that brought smiles, the ones that witnessed more tears, and the ones after which […]

Gratitude Vibes

Whenever I’m out of things to write about, my pen and paper bring me back to gratitude. And today, I feel so grateful for many younger versions of myself; for having invested the time and energy to document their thoughts, without realizing that they’ll hold exactly what future them would want to read. Every time […]

When writing about trauma

Here are 3 tips to keep in mind for when you’re writing about something heavy: ✍️ Time your writing. Set your timer somewhere between 1–5 min(s) and stop when time’s up! Consider approaching the issue over a number of days; it’s not always possible to process things in one single write. ✍️ Listen to your […]

Divine Answers

I love answering questions on paper. Any kind of questions. Ones I’ve struggled to make sense of. Others that I’ve answered multiple times, yet still see their different sides every time I try them again. Even those that I know aren’t meant to be asked, because their responses would probably cause more harm than good. […]

Ups & Downs of Journaling

Today, my journal witnessed an incredible flow of words I hadn’t been capable of bringing out in a long, long while. And it was one of the most therapeutic feelings, alhamdulillah. 🤍 Over the last couple of weeks though, I noticed I was barely writing a page or two everyday. I started thinking I was […]

Journaling & Self-Talk

I talk to myself so terribly in my head. I have an incredible ability of reminding her of things that happened way in the past, then defining her by all that I screwed up on. Sometimes I scare her, sometimes I tell her things I can never even utter to my worst enemies. And it’s […]

Restarting Anxiety

The anxiety of re-starting is so real. Restarting something you’ve hit the pause button on for too long. It’s so much harder than new beginnings. Because starting something hard for the first time comes with the anxiety of the unknown. You’re not really sure what to expect. You’re not sure if you’ll be up to […]

Try out these Journal Prompts!

What can you do today that you could not do a year ago?

I’ve lately been obsessed with long lists of things I still want to reach, that I belittle my progress and all that I’ve already achieved. So when I came across this question, I grabbed my journal and gave it a try, in an attempt to help myself feel better about where I am in life. […]

A list of 100 things I believe in

Today I got to learn about how lists can be a powerful journaling tool, especially lists of 100s. Then I came across a list of 100 things to write 100 things about, and I couldn’t not attempt to start one of them. So I chose to write a list of 100 things I believe in. […]

If I could go back in time…

If I could go back in time, I would give my younger self the squishiest hug she could possibly ever get, and allow her to cry out all the pain she believed is undeserving of her tears. If I could go back in time, I would take her behind the scenes, so she could see […]

I knew I was healing when…

I knew I was healing when the silence no longer paralyzed my entire being. I knew I was healing when you decided to walk away and I didn’t instantly start thinking it must be because of me. I knew I was healing when I didn’t stop myself from asking all the questions, while knowing in […]

How do I feel? Emotionally? Physically? Mentally? Spiritually?

Sharing a powerful prompt I got to explore on one of my assignments this week. 💫 You’d think that someone who’s been journaling for so long would eventually stop being hit this hard by seemingly simple prompts and the magic they can do, but nope. I can’t even count the number of journaling exercises that […]

I forgive myself…

I forgive myself for being so overprotective of my heart, for numbing my feelings and convincing my mind it’s all out of strength, when really, I had been trying to avoid getting hurt. I forgive myself for not knowing how to express my needs, for believing that un-wanting things is the way to survive. I […]

If You Were A Feeling…

“If you were a feeling, what would you choose to be?” That feeling one gets inside once they start healing. When the pain starts easing, and they physically feel their broken pieces so carefully being mended; aware that very little of them might be restored into their origins, yet contentedly accepting the very new ravishing […]

If I were to show up with 10% more self-acceptance, I would…

One of the prompts that can really help you understand what might be getting in your way. 👀 Among the things that come up for me whenever I try this out is the realization that my self-acceptance and my productivity are deeply (and unnecessarily) connected. When I’m able to accept myself and where I am, […]

I break myself…

“Nothing can break a human being other than their own self.” Heard this sentence on a TV series today – and while I don’t think I fully agree with it, I decided to use it as my prompt for the day. (which is always an interesting way to get yourself to write on days when […]

Dear Mind

Dear mind, I’ve been angry at you for too long, but right now I’m not. I’m just confused. And the more I know about you, the more it confuses me. I get it, you’re trying to protect me. You’ve been trying to protect me all along. But sometimes I wonder what is it that you’re […]