Time works in weird ways.

I mean, 5 minutes are always the same exact 5 minutes.

But they don’t seem like it when you hit snooze on your morning alarm after you’ve had a long night. Or 5 minutes at the doctor’s office, as you anxiously wait for news about a loved one’s condition. The 5 minutes you wish could possibly last forever, as you’re around someone you’ll have to wave goodbye to right after. Versus, the 5 minutes of heartbeats hitting hard against your chest, as you wait for your turn to speak among a crowd that terrifies you.

They’re all the same 5 minutes.

5 minutes of deafening silence, when you can’t think of anything to keep the conversation going. Or 5 minutes of not being able to even catch your breath, as you rush to get your ideas out before you lose everyone’s attention.

On the clock, they’re all the same.

300 ticks.

300 ticks that can cut through like a knife because that’s how painful waiting can get. Or 300 ticks that can leave you wishing you had some sort of super power, because some moments are worth holding onto.

Only that the more you do, the more they’ll slip right through your fingers.