The right time

I so much believe in “the right time”. For the longest time, I’ve heard people responding to anyone who’d say they were waiting for the right time, with words along the lines of “there’s no such thing as the right time, just do it, you’ll never feel ready”, and it would add an extra weight on my shoulders every time I felt like I needed more time to do something. Yet the more things miraculously keep falling into place, the more I continue believing that there will always be a right time for absolutely everything.

Sometimes someone would keep nagging me to watch a certain movie or read a certain book because it has touched them in a certain way, and I only end up getting to it months or even years later, then have it touch me in the exact way it was meant for it to. I never find it in me then to think “Oh, I wish I had read/watched it earlier when they told me about it!” because more often than not, it turns out to be in perfect alignment with something going on in my life right at that time, that if I had tried getting to it any sooner, I probably wouldn’t have had it touch me at all.

Sometimes I’d cross paths with a person and we’d only really click a couple of years after we first meet. I’d often wonder then why we never got closer before when we were already everything we both needed to find in each other. But then I’d realize that we both did change over those years that if we had been given a similar chance earlier, our relationship would have ended way sooner than we think. (Fun fact: My best friend and I actually attended the same school for around 9 years -and sat in the very same classroom for 1 of those 9- before we got to know each other or become this close. It’s currently one of the most beautiful friendships of my life.)

Sometimes I’d start getting obsessed with a certain topic or a particular lifestyle and then realize that most gatherings I’ve been attending or most social media posts I’ve been coming across have already been tackling that exact obsession, yet it never made it through to my brain, before I was that interested, or before the universe realized I was indeed ready to process more of it. Sometimes my mind would trick me into thinking “how come I never knew about all this before?” but with every new thing it continues to teach me about myself, I realize there would have never been a righter time than that.

Now that’s in no way an excuse to sit around doing nothing and wait for the right things to make it through when it’s time. It’s just another reminder to go easy on ourselves every time we‘re unable to find it in us to start something, and every time we continue longing for that one thing that’s supposed to make it into our lives because we believe it’s all we need. Maybe right now is just not right for you after all.