The Pen

Amal Kassir is one of my very favorite poets and speakers of all time. Her tongue just happens to so naturally bring more poetry to life through every word she utters, and those 30 seconds from yesterday’s House of Amal Writing Hour resonated with me on so many levels. They inspired me to write this.
Thinking of the pen in such a divine sense,
makes writing feel a lot more special.
The pen that I get to hold between my fingers,
so oblivious of its true essence.
Every time I rest my hands on one,
every time I feel it so softly coming in contact with the lines it keeps filling,
and every time the ink moves in perfect harmony
with the thoughts I don’t realize I’m spilling;
it calms me down
it helps me breath
it brings along the kind of peace
that rubs down the subtlest of my anxieties.
It physically feels as though the ink
is coming straight out of me,
right through my soul,
filling in every possible empty hole
I never thought I‘d come across
on the way out.
This beautiful creation of His,
has an unprecedented ability
to so silently hit just the right spots,
that every thing it happens to touch
turns my cheeks so incredibly wet
every time I attempt to write.