The muscle in my leg

I have this muscle in my leg, that holds in all the tension I’m not always able to let out. Every time I’m anxious, every time I’m stressed, every time I experience an emotion I cannot really express, I feel it there. So loudly felt, yet so invisible to everyone else. For the longest time, I’ve been trying to release some of the tension in there, physically. And yet today, I realized that the moments when I really no longer feel any ache in that specific spot, are the moments when I actually get to speak about that. When I get to explain the sensation to someone else, and talk about all the times I feel the tension in there. Only then do I feel the muscle easing up, only then do I feel connected to it in a way that no longer hurts. Only then do I realize that the pain was only there because it had something to tell. Because it needed to be acknowledged, and felt. And only then do I realize, there’s possibly so much for me to learn from that muscle in my leg.

October 4, 2020