The little moments


Our days have become so busy. So very busy we don’t even realize it. It only hits us hard when we begin to lose something we never realized we took for granted. It forces us to hit the pause button. And focus on what really matters. It brings us back to appreciating the little things.

A few hours spent talking about nothing and everything with someone you love. A popcorn bowl shared in front of a movie screen next to someone you no longer see as often as you’d like. A silent walk by the sea with someone you know you’ll shortly be wrapping your arms around for a goodbye hug. A long voice note from someone who still cares enough to let you in on the tiniest details of their life. A blurry video call with someone you‘re only able to watch grow through the distance you never chose. A random homemade pizza baked with someone you feel safe enough to have inside your kitchen despite the mess. A few moments of togetherness shared after the car engine stops and you feel comfortable enough to just continue sitting there, aimless.

All the little moments we think we can make space for, only if we have the time. When they’re in fact all what’s truly worth our entire time. And yet we only realize it when it sounds like it’s the last time. Our days have become so busy that we forget we‘re only really here to make them all count, every time.

Written on: January 16, 2020