The Human Lab

Here’s to one of the most exciting projects I’ve ever been part of. One that couldn’t have possibly made it into my life at a ‘righter’ time!

The Human Lab has been bringing to life everything I’ve personally been experiencing throughout my writing journey, yet never really knew how to give any of it an actual name. With the very first group experience I got to attend, it all started making sense. The connection. The longing for what’s real. The worlds that seem to have long existed inside me, while I never knew how to give them the space to simply be. The realization that none of us are ever really alone in whatever we go through. Someone out there will always relate, someone will understand. Someone will so gently nod their head, and it will feel safe.

I am a socially anxious person. The Human Lab gave me the space to speak about that. And it felt safe. I am conscious of what others think of me. The Human Lab helped me realize it’s largely only really what I think they think of me. Hardly ever what they turn out to have in mind, and hardly anything that has to do with me. I have dreams that I’m not always able to explain in words. I also got to speak about them, and felt heard. That’s a feeling, yes. That’s also something I got to learn. Feeling heard turned out to be one of the most heartwarming feelings in the world.

The Human Lab is helping me grow. It‘s getting me in contact with people I would have otherwise never had the chance to meet. And if I had met, we would have probably never gone beyond the small talk. I’ve found so many pieces of myself in total strangers. And it felt so warm realizing some of them could find pieces of themselves in my words, too.

This place still has so much more to give, and I’m truly grateful I’m getting to witness some of its behind-the-scenes. I’m even more grateful I’m getting to watch the magic that‘s taking my life in an entirely different direction, touch other lives, too. I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of this. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to explain exactly what it all means to me.

Alhamdulillah for the blessings He never stops sending my way.