The blessing of sharing

There’s something so soothing about hearing or reading about ourselves in someone else’s words. words that have to do with something we’re specifically going through, but never knew how to express. or thoughts we’ve always had at the back of our minds, yet weren’t conscious enough to acknowledge they exist. until we come across someone who‘s able to give them a name that finally makes sense. we grow less anxious about things when someone shares how confused they are about them. because being confused together kind of makes it less intense. less powerful, I guess. we feel less insecure around those who‘re so open about their vulnerabilities as well. and oh, how much of a blessing that is. to have the ability to share. and allow others a safe space to open up just as much. because we all need that validation. we all need to stop hurting ourselves over things we think we shouldn’t be feeling or thinking about. we all need to allow ourselves to breathe every once in a while. we all need to let go of the things we so cautiously hide about ourselves. and we all need to realize that we most certainly aren’t, and will never be, the only ones.

July 6, 2020