The beauty of the unknown


Sometimes it feels like you have your life figured out; like what you already have is all what you really need. And all what you’ve gone through can never be topped. And yet, a new phase always manages to show up. And new people always come along. People you know nothing about. Yet ones who‘re meant to take up huge parts of your life. While you become a huge part of theirs as well. They might be living next door right now, or somewhere you’ve never heard of. They might be best friends with your closest friend, while you never even almost met. They might be out there, occupying worlds you don’t know anything about. Thinking they have all what they need, too. Thinking they can’t possibly let anyone in again. But they will. Because you exist. And you’re meant to change their lives likewise. The universe simply hasn’t decided they’re ready for that just yet. Which will only really make sense once your storylines coincide. That’s when you’ll realize, there’s no such thing as having even a little, tiny part of life figured out.

April 11, 2020