
“Synchronicity” is another word that’s been so magically coming up in my life over the last 2 years, and I’m slowly realizing I only experience more of it when I can find it in me to let go.

To truly internalize that I’m not in control.

That God holds more for me than I can ever even pray for.

And that everything that’s meant for me, will always effortlessly find its way.

Synchronicities can often be beautiful reminders that we’re on the right path. Because when we’re no longer holding tightly onto what we think should happen, yet things continue to astoundingly fall in place; it could be one of the most validating feelings in the world. Because it’s coming straight from above, with little to no intervention of our own.

Being able to spot the signs and ponder over how extremely connected the dots in fact are, is a blessing I pray we all never lose. 

To more synchronicities. And to falling even more in love with this word. 💗

Have you been experiencing any synchronicities in your life lately? ✨

Tell me your stories, I’d love to hear! 🥰