Every time I turn to the last page of a story, I can’t help but wonder if the characters I’m parting with do exist around in the real world, while no one knows. I wonder how many broken hearts walk around everyday, with their constant attempts to bring themselves together fooling everyone they see. I wonder how many hearts have lost their loved ones, and how many of them continue to see those faces every time their eyelids meet. I wonder how many hearts have been separated by distance, while they continue to pretend it doesn’t rip them in pieces every second of their day. I wonder how many hearts are caged behind insanely high walls they’ve had to build between them and the world after every heartbreak.

Most importantly, I wonder how we never know anything about that, yet continue to create our own scenarios of who we think everyone is on the inside, everyday. Or how we rarely allow ourselves to empathize with people, up until we get to hear their real stories one day. Yet we hardly get the chance to do that with everyone we meet, and it rarely crosses our minds how much everyone around might in fact be able to conceal.