Simply be there

i know it hurts to watch someone you love going through tough times you’ve already gone through. i know it hurts to know they feel the same pain you’ve once had to endure and i know it’s almost always a reflex thought to want to make it stop. i understand how having reached certain conclusions you wish you had known earlier, makes you want to save everyone the time and effort it took you. but sometimes that’s exactly what they need. sometimes fast-forwarding to the conclusions, without having played the process through, disrupts the whole experience. sometimes not being allowed enough time to gradually figure things out, or not getting the chance to dwell on certain emotions, makes it harder to get over them. sometimes not being able to follow advices that sound so logical to those watching from the outside, can cause a much deeper wound. sometimes two people can go through the same hardship, and still come out with entirely different endings and completely unrelated lessons learned. and so sometimes choosing to simply be there; wordlessly, patiently, genuinely and empathetically, can make all the difference in the world. because sometimes, the pain is all that’s necessary to heal.