The Sentence Challenge

Day 1 (Oct 10): Are you done with your 20 mins?
10 confirmations

"I was amazed how our minds work. After I read the two sentences, I wrote for 20 min. about another thought that I wasn't thinking about then I wrote for another 20 min. using one of the prompts sentences. 😊" - This is very insightful, I'm so glad you're finding more things to write about along the way! 🙂

"I like the idea too much of completing the sentence 🥰- So glad you do!!

"As with most prompts, at first glance I think: I dont know what to write, this is a hard one. But then the second I write it down and push myself to start, words keep flowing. I find myself writing things I have no idea where they came from so I really enjoyed it. Today feels like a fresh start. A new challenge, a new notebook and a new year for me. I have been longing for a fresh start for a while now so I am happy and grateful Alhamdulilah." - I 'felt' this one. :') Always love the feeling of a new notebook, and really glad to know your words eventually flow! I hope they always do! ♥️ Happy birthday! (:

"I was a bit late, but I did it anyways. However, I am so glad I did it. I stopped writing a long time ago. It feels good. My writing is a bit rusty, but I appreciate the effort I did. Hopefully I will get better with each passing day. Thank you!♥️" - Thank YOU for being part of this, and for deciding to do it even if it was late. That's great! I hope this is the beginning of a beautiful flow. :')

"Glad I finally started writing again!! been wanting to for soo longgg, thank u for giving us the space to do so. I was so motaradeda keda between both sentences and even after i started writing I kept thinking about the other one ahaha. overall wrote for 13 mins yay! katabt aktar what I would do idk why w hasah next time I want to delve deeper keda beyond the sentence w afata7 ma3 nafsi aktar w make more time for it. I like this reflection option ahahah. writing about the writing, haga inception khales, yarab a maintain this!! Jazzaki allahukhayran, have a lovely night!!" - I'm sooo happy to read this! Thank YOU for joining and for sharing your experience. :)) 13 minutes is greatttt for a start, and this all sounds so exciting! inshaAllah inshaAllah you'll be able to maintain it with more baby steps along the way!

Day 2 (Oct 11): Are you done with your 20 mins?
8 confirmations

"It's getting better. When I put my focus on what I'm writing instead of the time, it gets easier." - Yay, love this! (:

"Until now i couldn’t write exactly 20 mins..but am trying .." - It's okay, don't add so much pressure on yourself; anything above zero is all you need for now!

"Yesterday was day 60 of these unique writing challenges. I vividly remember when you announced the first one and how I thought it was a great idea and really exciting but I was so sure that it's not for me that I almost didn't sign up. Now it's one of the best parts of my day and one of the few constants in my life. I can't believe I actually filled a whole notebook and honestly I'm proud. I am so incredibly grateful for all the things this experience taught me. I know more about myself and building habits. I know how much of an impact daily writing can have on someone's life even if it was only 10 or 20 mins. I know that even if for whatever reason I didn't continue writing I'll always have those 60 days to remind me that I can do it. It also taught me not to assume that I can't do something unless I really try. I'm grateful for how this gave me hope in my ability to change. I am grateful for the timing because it happened to be a very eventful period in my life and now I have it documented in a way. I am forever grateful for everything, including the things I'm still unable to put into words." - This is so heartwarming in every possible sense. I am so proud of you, in ways I cannot even put in words! You're one of the major reasons I've been able to keep going with the challenges, and your consistency is truly inspiring! And well, they say it takes 21 days to build a habit and 90 days to create a lifestyle. So I can't wait to watch this turn into a lifestyle for you in just one more month inshaAllah! You can do it, I'm sure. 🙂 ♥️

Day 3 (Oct 12): Are you done with your 20 mins?
8 confirmations

"When I start writing thinking I don't know what to write and then I surprise myself that I have so many to say and not knowing I had these thoughts in me." - I can relate to this so muchhh!


Day 4 (Oct 13): Are you done with your 20 mins?
7 confirmations

"Writing for 10 min. became a habit but the 20 min. doesn't feel like that yet. I know it's a matter of time only 🙂" - It is, definitely inshaAllah. ♥️

Day 5 (Oct 14): Are you done with your 20 mins?
7 confirmations

Day 5 (Oct 14): Are you done with your 20 mins?
7 confirmations

"I'm happy I didn't completely let go of the challenge and wrote today! That's a big step for me so I'm happy. The sentence was exactly what I needed and it was something on my mind throughout the day. Jazzaki Allahukhayran Basoumaa" - I'm sooo happy you didn't too and yes, it's a huge step!! Yay you! :')

"I am enjoying the prompts so much, they really help me start. I love it when something or someone reminds me to be thankful/grateful because it's really easy to be distracted from acknowledging the countless blessings we're surrounded with. Alhamulilah." - Super glad to knowww! ♥️

Day 6 (Oct 15): Are you done with your 20 mins?
6 confirmations

"Recently it has been mainly a challenge of time. But I realized writing helps me pour out the thoughts that keep me distracted, making tasks take double the time." - Ooh that's such an interesting thought!

Day 7 (Oct 16): Are you done with your 20 mins?
4 confirmations