
I’ve always been a big fan
Of giving everything a name
Of looking feelings right in the eye
And calling them out
For everything they are
And everything that they shame

If I call this love, and I call that loss
If I call this anxiety, and I call that pain
Maybe I can wake up one day
With a heart that carries less stain

I’ve always been a big fan of giving everything a name
Until I realized not everyone has the capacity to do the same
And that my calling this out, is like pressing so hard
Against an open wound that they’d never felt before
A wound that forces them to look back inside
On things that hurt and feelings they’ve long ignored

“Because no my parents make no mistakes
And no my childhood has nothing to do with where I am today
Your names are only lies people tell you so they can continue
Making money off the illusions that they play
I turned out fine, it’s only in your brain
You’re just a little too sensitive
Maybe you need to change
Maybe you need to chill
Maybe you need to stop
Messing with my pain”

They don’t say it so clearly
They don’t even know this too has a name
They’ve been triggered, that’s what it’s called

But is it my fault?

I don’t know much
But the little I know
Seems to trouble everyone I come across
I’m not trying to shed any light
On things they don’t want to discuss
I just want to be able to give this a name
So maybe it can hurt a little less

I’m trying to make some sense of the mess
That has kept me silent for years
Thinking I was the only one
Thinking it was only me
Because all I’ve ever met
Are more of them
Who continue to hide
Their scars so carefully

And I’m done
I’m done swallowing in
All that makes me, me
I’m done letting all this
Get in my way
To where I want to be
I’m done being so extra cautious
Around those who don’t want to see
I’m done thinking there are parts of myself
That I need to be ashamed of
That I need to hide because they’re just too much

And I’m finally giving this a name
Because it’s finally making sense
I’m choosing to call this, the true power
Of knowing my self-worth