

This one’s a reminder for me. For every little feeling I’ve felt. That made absolutely no sense to anyone, but me. It’s valid. It’s real. It’s your right to feel. No one has to be convinced. No one has to make sense of it. No one at all.

You feel it. You explore it. You ignore it. You live in denial. You let it be. Whatever you choose to do. It’s all yours to decide. No one has any say on that. No one at all.

They don’t go through the things you go through. They don’t have your family, your friends, your job, your genes. Even if they did, they can still react differently. That doesn’t say anything about you. None at all.

Please remember: A feeling is a feeling – a very valid feeling, even if no one is there to validate it for you. A feeling is meant to be felt. Even if the whole world denies you of that right. It’s yours. It’s valid. It’s real. It’s you. Feel it. Or don’t. Whatever you do, never allow anyone to get in the way between the two of you.

March 22, 2020