Recharge your battery

I honestly admire how my technological devices don’t care when I’m in the middle of something important, that they just totally decide to shut down the minute they’re out of energy.

Reminds me of how I never do that with my own self, because my mind, heart and body don’t necessarily breakdown as instantly. And so for some reason I seem to keep pushing, because see? they’re not switching off. And they probably won’t.

But they’ll make me super anxious at times when I least expect it. And they’ll have me say things I don’t mean, like I’ve never had an autocorrect inserted.

They’ll send me signs in the form of pain or occasional unresponsiveness, yet I’ll misinterpret that for an unrelated medical condition. I’ll blame myself for not being up to the expectations, when really, all my system’s trying to say is:

Please rest. I want to help, but I’m unable to. I don’t have the luxury of shutting you down entirely. So please, rest. I promise we’ll het going right after we recharge your battery.