Real Connection

You can retell the wisest, most precious advices you’ve heard over the years, as you try to comfort the doubts speaking so loud inside my head at almost every instance. You can spend hours explaining what should or shouldn’t be done so I can move forward, and back it up with some of the most inspiring stories. Yet, the minute you decide to set it all aside and directly speak from your heart, will always be the minute that makes all the difference. When you’re ready to take me to the deepest, most precious parts of your own soul, and reveal the pieces of yourself you never really show. When you allow me to connect with the human inside me – without necessarily even knowing my story, just because you’re able to connect with the human inside you, too. When our human experiences turn out to have so many unexpected similarities, making me realize how none of us is alone in whatever they go through. Only then, do I find it in me to get up and try again. And again. And again.