
Beginnings are hard. They’re probably the hardest.

I’ve been posting daily pieces online since January 2020, but one month off has made me feel I’ll never be able to write a single word ever again. Even though I’ve closely watched my own consistency for over a year, one month away just made me doubt everything about myself all over again. What will I write about everyday? How will I even find new ideas? What if my future self hates whatever I come up with now? What if my writing sucks?

I never asked myself any of those questions when I first started the page, because I never planned it. I never planned to write everyday. I never planned to shoot videos. I never planned to learn about journaling. I never planned so many of the things I’ve truly enjoyed doing over the last year, and yet they’ve all happened. Because I never planned to start. I just did.

So this is a very impulsive decision from my 2 AM self who should be sleeping now but for some reason isn’t: I’m re-starting! I know I wanted to come back after the long break with so much new content that I’ve been planning in my head since forever, but I’ve done none of it. I’ve disappointed myself so much over the last couple of weeks, because I’ve set the craziest expectations. And it’s made it really hard for me to believe in myself the same way again. I wanted to do everything, that I ended up choosing to do absolutely nothing – when I could’ve really just done a little tiny something instead.

A very wise friend of mine often reminds me that anything worth done perfectly, is worth done poorly. So for the month of June, I’m choosing to embody exactly that. Doing things poorly. I want to do this poorly. Very poorly. As long as I get to do it.

Here’s to impulsive beginnings. ✌🏼

P.S. If you’ve been putting off starting something too, please consider this a sign and walk straight into it so impulsively today. You never know where it might take you!