Preventative Journaling

You know how they say prevention is better than cure? I kind of started applying that with writing.

For the longest time, I used to postpone journaling until after I go through something tough. It used to be my outlet following those experiences that brought along intense feelings – it still is. And yet, I’ve been trying to play around with that lately, by consciously choosing to journal *before* the events that I know I’d need to write after anyway. It’s like deciding to take the medication before the pain kicks in.

And even though the pain sometimes still shows up, I’m able to identify its source a lot better. Because right before the intensity, I don’t just write about my anxiety towards it. I make sure to write about everything else that seems to be taking up space too. I try to let all that might be troubling me out of my system, so that when the unpleasant feelings begin to creep in, I’m (somewhat) certain they’re not the product of some other unresolved business. And it’s been really, really helpful lately.

Writing about my anxiety beforehand doesn’t always make me less anxious, but it does make me more aware of my triggers. It makes me more attentive to the little things that are usually the reason for some of my loudest blow ups. It’s almost always the little things. And writing about my anxiety beforehand is a beautiful opportunity to remind myself that sometimes things beyond my control will continue to happen, and that it’s okay.

Making sure I keep a journal with me everywhere I go has been a literal blessing. 🤍