Prayers on Paper

Day 1 (Dec 12): Are you done with your page for the day?
7 confirmations

"Before writing I was a little bit confused. However after I’ve finished I feel like my mind is somehow tranquil now." - Love this! Yay 🙂

Day 2 (Dec 13): Are you done with your page for the day?
6 confirmations

"Yes, it was a mix of gratitude & doaa for guidance💗... I believe it was different usually when I make doaa my words are little and unorganized, but when they were written I was able to be clearer & organized.. A thought that I think of a lot is should we be very specific when we ask Allah for our needs or shouldn’t we since Allah knows everything?? but right now I think I’m more into asking and using many words & being specific. I love this challenge 😍" - So happy you're able to organize your thoughts on paper. :') I wouldn't say I know the definite answer to that, but I always feel like wanting to be specific, and still believing that He will do what's best for me anyway. 💗 May what you ask for always be what's best for you! :))

"Alhamdule Llah I can write my prayers and I feel there's some effect on me but still don't get it. But it's a good one الحمدلله." - Allah 🙂 I love that, alhamdulillah! 🙂

Day 3 (Dec 14): Are you done with your page for the day?
6 confirmations

"Yes. I was thinking how it's ok to keep repeating myself and feeling it's ok and acceptable. Not worrying of being boring." - OH YES, I repeat myself all the timeee!

Day 4 (Dec 15): Are you done with your page for the day?
4 confirmations

"I think the effect of joining the previous challenges is showing in thus one. Usually I start with gratitude then I start my prayesrs like a letter to God next if I still have time I go through whatever on my mind .. and I still try ti remember my dreams and sometimes I write about them 😍. Thank you for giving us theses opportunities and for not giving up on us 💚🧡" - This made my whole week! 😍 Thank you for always joining along, and for always inspiring me with your feedback! And surprisingly, the dream journal challenge has made the hugest impact on me, I now remember my dreams up to the littlest details and I write them down every now and then too. :))

Day 5 (Dec 16): Are you done with your page for the day?
6 confirmations

"Yes. The prayer I made on the 1st day الحمدلله 😍" - Ooooh! I'm so glad!! 😍😍

Day 6 (Dec 17): Are you done with your page for the day?
5 confirmations

"Journaling is one of the best ways to connect with your inner self and your unconscious.. you will be amazed of the transformation it does 💗💗"

"First set your intention why you want to start writing and ask God to support you. Start by writing the thoughts when they crosses your mind on the mobile or a small note book so when you sit to write your journal you have things to write about. Then your mind won't trick you that you have nothing to write about. Start with 1 paragraph or write about a photo that means something special to you."

- Lovelovelove thissss :))) 💗

Day 7 (Dec 18): Are you done with your page for the day?
4 confirmations

"I just want to say I look forward to read your replies on our reflections 😊" - Awww, I seriously look forward to reading your reflections just as much!

"Prayers do come true ❤️ I’m gonna miss this challenge 🥰" - Yesss! So glad you've enjoyed this. :')