Power of Writing

The one sentence I absolutely love hearing during every journaling session is: “I don’t even know where this is coming from” or “I never expected this is what would come out on paper.”

I honestly thought I was the only one who felt this way about writing, but the more I watch people allowing themselves the chance to connect with their pens and papers (or even their phones/laptops), the more I watch miracles happen. Because 90% of the time they walk away with a surprise or a new realization, and that’s truly one my most favorite things to watch. (:

This is slowly becoming more of a life-style, or my go-to whenever I feel stuck on absolutely anything, not just to express myself or vent. Starting new projects, always begins with writing. Making phone calls that I dread, also often begins with some scripting. Videos I want to shoot; their ideas only make sense once I have them out on paper. Even this series of takeaways; I didn’t know I’ve learned that much this year until I decided to journal about it, after which so much unfolded from there.

And so despite the many benefits of writing and journaling, this is one I’m truly grateful for and hope I’d continue to remember whenever my mind goes blank. More often than not, it just needs a quick refresh. And writing offers it so gently. ❤️

If there’s one thing I’d suggest for you to put more effort in this year, it would definitely be building a healthier relationship with writing. And it’s what I genuinely hope I can help you do more of in 2022 inshaAllah!

Here’s to another year of writing, and all that it eventually brings along. 💗