Phone Search


I wrote this on the morning of the accident, before it all happened. Not sure if it meant anything.

As I was leaving to work this morning, I realized I had no idea where my phone was. My battery was also dead, so I had no option other than to find it myself.

I searched every inch of the house. Tidied the mess in my room, in case it was stuck somewhere. Emptied my drawers, in case it slipped there. Looked through my notebooks. Completely moved my couch. The house turned into a mess, and the phone was still nowhere to be found.

That’s when I decided I’d literally start looking *inside* the couch. I tried every corner. And my fingers hardly came out empty; each of them had a surprise. From the middle, came out a pen I couldn’t remember I owned. There was also my small handheld mirror that I couldn’t recall having left there. Towards the right, I came across my favorite necklace that I‘d lost a long time ago and thought I‘d never see again. Next was my magnetic pin, which I‘d given my sister two months ago, and we had gone crazy over how it vanished after. There was still more, but my mind could no longer register any of them. It felt like the universe was suddenly sending my way everything I’d ever lost, but the ONE thing I was in fact looking for.

I had to leave for work, and nothing seemed to want to help. So I decided to just grab my bag and go. Who needs their phone anyway, right?

So I started packing, when randomly, I looked into my bag and BAM! There was my phone. Hiding all the way down. In the one place I had started my search with. Yet I was only meant to find it right then and there. After I got reunited with every other thing I didn’t know I was looking for.

I couldn’t stop thinking about this all day. Maybe it’s my overly reflective mind, but maybe it’s not just about the phone. Maybe we tend to spend our lives thinking we’re looking for something in particular, praying so much for it, working hard to get it, when something entirely different turns out to have been trying to find us instead. And more often than not, it’s where the signs point at, before the universe decides to intervene so loud.

Maybe whatever‘s trying to find you has never crossed your mind before, but maybe it‘d turn out to be exactly what you’re looking for. You never know.