Pen to Paper

Day 1: Are you done with your 10 mins?
12 confirmations

"I'm happy to continue writing for the 8th day in row. An idea came to my mind which is why not to read for 10 minutes daily."

"I feel grateful. The 10 mins went by faster than usual somehow. It felt nice yet weird to lift the pen whenever I liked. I like how I can jump between completely random topics when writing without judging myself for it."

"I didn't have much to say today but I wrote whatever came to my mind. It was silly but I wrote it anyway. Some questions popped up afterward."

"I wanted to write but I have a headache, so what I wrote was very minimal."

"I totally forgot because weekends are usually busy! But I will take ur advise and get myself a cute notebook that will encourage me to write! Cz I would write on random papers found. Plus from today I shall start putting alarm reminders to write!"

Day 2: Are you done with your 10 mins?
12 confirmations

"It feels amazing! Ive always been a pen on paper girl! Even when I would write my everyday to-do-lists my friends would tell me “just use ur phone! Ur so old schooled! Phone is quicker!” But I always preferred writing on paper! It gives me more of a satisfaction when i can highlight the tasks that have been completed ahahhaha. And honestly.. I didnt understand myself.. but now that I watched the youtube video you sent.. makes so much more sense! To why even in school or work I would prefer writing my learnings on paper! Its MORE effective! 10000%!"

"I did it today with ease elhamdulillah and it felt great. I managed to do it in the morning (still not the very first thing but it’s progress!) and I felt like a foggy cloud has been lifted off of my head."

"Please, tomorrow me, can you fix your sleeping schedule, write on paper and do it earlier? I am really sad that you’re relapsing after you were already progressing. :("

"Writing on paper makes me feel calm and focused. Today I wrote for almost 25 mins. I just couldn't stop. Finally, I addressed the topic I've been avoiding for months now. I hope I find it in myself to continue tomorrow and dig deeper."

Day 3: Are you done with your 10 mins?
11 confirmations

"My hand did hurt in challenge #2. But it doesnt in challenge #3. Maybe cz i got used to it? Lets see hehe. But i always wanted to know strategies to make it hurt less.. bcz everytime i write a few pages of whatever it is, my hand hurts very easily"

"It hurts less than before because i used to write with a pen. To make it hurt less i try to do some activities that help my muscles and finger grip, like using some playdough or trying whatever will refine the muscles, i can also slow down while writing so it won't hurt alot."

"Yes. I think about two small pages. One of the tips I read in the second challenge was to write with the whole arm instead of the wrist but I am still working on applying it. I usually just rest a little then continue."

"My hand doesn't hurt. I like to use pens that go smoothly on papers and I'm careful to keep my hand relaxed."

"It hurts after a few lines. But I keep writing until my neck is almost strained. oppsie! It’s just that paper is different."

"It does when I write for a long time, mostly because I grip the pen so hard that my finger starts to protest. However, I haven’t reached that stage yet. I want to be able to write for more than 10 minutes, but I can’t seem to do it because I run out of words so quickly."

"The load always comes lighter while writing, but gets heavy again as the writing's effect goes away, that's why just stopped for a while, thinking avoiding the heaviness was the solution, or may be I knew it wasn't, but I just couldn't bear the heaviness anymore. Anyways I'm back hoping the effect of the writing will last longer the more I do it. يا رب خفف الحمل اللي علي قلبي."

- ربنا يخفف عنك يارب ❤️❤️ Welcome back!

"I woke up pretty early Today for the first time in a while specifically to write. I was so excited to. I haven’t felt this good in a really long time. It’s like something in me just got unlocked. الحمدلله. My first words were, I feel good. I’m really thankful to have entered this challenge (:"

- I'm so proud of you! Beyond words. Alhamdulillah. ❤️

Day 4: Are you done with your 10 mins?
9 confirmations

"I’m loving writing! Don’t know what’s my favorite part though.. These days I have so much to write that I want to go over 10 minutes! I tend to think too much.. so while im writing my mood can suddenly change bcz a thought will pop up and then I write write write. I need to stop overthinking lol. But Im really loving the writing process that today I’m going to the mall to buy a cute notebook :”) guess this will be my new habit :”)"

"My favourite part is that moment when me, my thoughts and the paper connect and disconnect from whatever is around me."

"I was carrying so much weight when I barely wrote and kept procrastinating. Nowadays, as I write what I didn’t write earlier, the weight keeps getting lighter. I found out that using ink pens is making my hand hurt a little less, because I unintentionally put less pressure when I am using it. This realization is allowing me to write a little more than before, as the pain is strong after a longer duration. The gifts I’ll be accepting these days are ink pens. Celebrating 21 days of writing! Just a week more and it’ll be a month 😮 I’m proud of myself. One thing I wanna say to remind my future self of just in case she feels down: Write anything even if it’s as short as just a line. Write anything even if you don’t make it to a minute of writing. Write anything even if it’s just a “Hello!” Write anything, and don’t ever stop writing!"

Day 5: Are you done with your 10 mins?
9 confirmations

"Today was the first time I wrote at night! At first I started writing in mornings just to “check” it off the list. As if writing was a chore. And today I thought.. NOPE.. stop writing in the mornings just to get this over with! Write whenever ur in the MOOD! So today I wrote at night lol. And if I ever write in the mornings it would surely be bcz I want to! It’s no more a chore I want to quickly tick off. So I’m happy with this change I made :)"

"Yes it does! As much as I want to dedicate a specific timing to writing, currently, I write whenever I can; mentally and physically. Sometimes, it’s right before I go to bed and other times it’s in the morning. I noticed that when I write in the evening, it’s more of sorting out the day’s events. But, when I write in the morning, I feel like my mind is more focused and free to just let all the thoughts out and it’s not necessarily about a certain event or topic."

"I prefer writing in the morning. Writing in the morning can set me in the right mood."

"The timing makes a lot of difference. Sometimes I’m excited to write as soon as I wake up, which I recommend most. But since I’m more of a night person I usually have more to say late at night."

"It's very surprising how I still have the fear to write about stuff that hurts me. I am not sure why but I will keep trying :)"

- It's okay! You don't have to! ❤️❤️ As long as you keep writing. That's all that matters.
I hope you're able to find your own peace very soon. 

Day 6: Are you done with your 10 mins?
8 confirmations

"I’m not sure. I think it depends on my mood or how I’m feeling. For instance, it’s harder to write when I’m anxious. But, I’ve definitely developed the need to write daily. It just makes me feel better. I feel like I don’t have to hide away from my own thoughts anymore, even if they bring me pain. I hope, over time, I get to write freely and address the topics that I’ve been suppressing for so long."

"I love writing but there’s a lot that I wanna say and write with a clear mind so I do it after I’m done with everything which means I push it till the end of the day. My sleep is really messed up so I’m not able to wale up early for it 🙁 i wrote for a few minutes only tonight. I am so exhausted." It's okay. ❤️

"It's definitely getting easier, I look forward to it but I dont always have the time or energy to do it so sometimes I procrastinate a bit."

"So much easier! Hamdilla! It’s now part of me :)"

"Writing itself got easier and more enjoyable. Choosing the time to sit and write is not always easy."

Day 7: Are you done with your 10 mins?
9 confirmations