You can support me on Patreon!

For anyone who’s been following my writing journey for a while, you would’ve noticed I (so thankfully) keep growing with the process. The more I create, the more I realize I have more within that needs to make its way out. More potential that I’ve probably not even realized about myself yet. More dreams for the future. And I would love for you to be part of this journey going forward. This is why I am now starting a Patreon page!

Patreon is a membership platform that makes it easy for creators to get paid. So if you’d like to further support me, you can head over to my page and find out more!

What will you get out of it?

1. You’ll most certainly draw a huge smile on my face! Knowing that someone believes in my work and wants to see more of it, definitely helps me keep going. Especially when I’m at my lowest.

2. On my Patreon page, I will be posting one piece every week (starting this Sunday) that will be exclusive for my patrons! I know it might seem like I’m already able to express all my thoughts in public, but the truth is, there’s always more that I wish I can share. I still am conscious about what people think of me on most days, I still am conscious about the judgments. And so I would love for this to be a safe space where I share more of myself with those who are actually interested. For now, it’s one piece a week inshaAllah, and yet just like with everything else, I‘ll be planning for more exclusive content going forward. Just taking baby steps for now. 🙂

3. You’ll actually help me grow even more. Whether through more writing courses/workshops I’ve always had on my list to further develop my skills, or more efficient equipment my video content would require; you’d get to be an integral part of it all! I’ll be making use of the funds to support my creation journey. 💫
This will not change anything about the content I‘ll continue to create on here inshaAllah. It’s simply another way for you to be part of the process!

Thank you for supporting me this far. Whether through random DMs that always absolutely make my day, or through simply reading/watching my content; it truly means a lot to me! (: