You’ve felt this pain before. You’ve done all you could to distract yourself from how much it hurt.

And it worked.

For a little while.

Until you realized your distraction was starting to hurt even worse. So you instantly looked for another one. And it also worked, until it no longer could.

It led you to another. Which led to another. And another. Until you thought this was forever going to be how you survive.

Distracting your way through life.

But there comes a point when you realize, the pain of one distraction can cut open the wounds of all the previous ones combined, while you might have thought they‘ve all been long gone.

It takes you back to unresolved feelings.

It takes you back into the dark.

It leaves you there alone.

And you wonder.

Would it have felt any better had you chosen not to distract yourself earlier?

Did it really have to hurt this bad for you to finally learn the lesson?

Do you really have to watch yourself bleed it all out, before you get the chance to start looking for a bandage?

You finally find it in you to look pain straight in the eye. And it refuses to be the first to look away.

So it hurts. And burns. And aches, for long.

And you wonder, if you’ll ever feel okay again.

If you’ll ever be able to breath again.

If you’ll ever find your way again.

And you will. I promise, you will.