Only if you get to be me

Green. Blue. Yellow.
Purple. Orange. Grey.

They all bring certain colors to your mind, don’t they?

Could there possibly be a way for you to tell if the color you see, is the same one that comes up for me? I mean, yes, we can look at the same color and give it the same name. And yet are we even sure we’re seeing the same thing? I could be seeing Red, you could be seeing Pink. And we can all be universally calling it Blue. Can we ever really know which is true?

Probably not, because you’ll hardly have access to what I see. Unless maybe you borrow my eyes for the day. Even then, my eyes – without the rest of me, could very much lead you astray.

And so will my heart. So will every part of my insides. In case you try imagining how anything can sound like, if you ever get to be me.

My pain.
My doubt.
My rage.
My burnout.

My running out of breath.

I can talk about them, I can try to explain. You can nod your head, and remember all the times they showed up for you. And all the times you stood tall right after your every fall, while you watch me struggling to even make it on my knees. Because you don’t see what it’s like to hit the ground, when you’re me. You don’t see what it’s like to be run over by your own shadows as you try to flee. You don’t see what it’s like to be drowning, while everyone knows you’re not even close to the sea. While everyone knows you’ve already made it to the shore.

Your shore could be peaceful, it could be blowing the warmest breeze. Mine could be silent, a silence that’s too deafening.

The same shore.

The same sand.

The same sky.

Are they all really bringing in the same shade?

Is it a shade of a color?
Or is it where the sun keeps trying to find you?

Will you ever be able to tell, what comes up for me? Will you ever be able to tell, if it’s even slightly similar to what comes up for you?