On passion

Passion, I’ve realized, is way more beautiful than smartness, creativity or even perfection. For passion takes you to new places that none of those could bring you close to. It still eventually brings out your smart, creative side, combined with the perfectionist inside, and adds a little more to it, for an end result of something that’s too huge for words to even describe.

Passion is what happens when you fall in love with the idea of something, just like how you get attached to people; you fall in love with the idea of them. Passion is the more healthy version of attachment, I would say. It adds this meaning to your life that gives you a reason to get out of bed each morning; excited about what it has in store for you, puts a heartwarming smile on your face as you curl up in bed each night thinking about what you’re going to do with it the next day, and gives a totally new direction to what happens when you close your eyes at night as your dreams approach, that you can actually have a series of connected dreams for a few consecutive weeks only about that one thing you’re crazy about. You just realize how your mind automatically shifts to it whenever you start daydreaming, that it starts crawling inside your subconscious mind at night, and it’s just so beautiful that you allow it to happen even if it does bother you at some point.

When you’re so passionate about something, there are no boundaries to where your mind can go. It takes you to very different places than where you usually used to go, and knows how to move you around those places before you start limiting your imagination by permanently making homes out of where it mentally allows you to stay. You just start watching yourself coming up with the weirdest ideas ever, that wouldn’t normally cross your mind if it’s not about that particular passion. You start realizing the fact that creativity is not just about tightly squeezing your mind in an attempt to come up with something that’s so unusual; it’s actually setting your mind free and allowing it to wander all around and collect all what sounds so usual, which through your passion turns all magical. You start seeing new sides of yourself that you didn’t know existed, that you actually start forgetting all about the helplessness you might have once felt.

I’ve always heard others talk about how people’s eyes lighten up whenever they start talking about their passions, but I keep realizing it’s not only about their eyes. Their voices change, the way they talk, the way their whole body moves, their gestures, their smiles, everything.

If everyone in the world was truly passionate about something different, and they all got the opportunity to talk about them, everyone might possibly end up falling in love with every single thing out there, for its too hard not to admire whatever’s behind a passionate person’s words. Passion just makes you feel alive. The word itself sounds so beautiful with its every pronounced letter. And passionate people are the only ones I’d never, ever get bored of listening to.

Alhamdulillah for the blessing of being able to experience that.