I was watching Eslimah's video earlier on her very painful experience with still birth, and even though I could not relate to the experience itself, this sentence resonated with me on so many levels. It’s almost like my very own God-sent message through her words. Because for the longest time, my journal pages have been filled with questions like, will I ever get over this? or will that memory stop hurting that much? And somehow, when I think about it, it’s always the experiences that I’m aware they’ve taught me something I really needed to learn, that I get to feel their pain gradually fading away over the years.

Healing is hard, it’s a very hard journey. And a very confusing one, too. Because one day you wake up feeling like you’ve gone a long way, then something happens to trigger you the very next morning and it feels like you’ve almost made no progress at all. But when you’re able to grasp the lesson, when you’re really able to internalize His messages, well, it does get a little easier.

My therapist always used to remind me that life is a therapeutic process in and of itself. Therapy is like a cure, a treatment for a certain kind of pain. The hardships we go through from time to time often highlight the source of that pain, and more often than not, they come with the solution too. I know I personally tend to get caught up in the intensity of the situation, in questioning why it’s happening to me, that I totally forget that there usually is a message in there. One that’s only meant for me.

May we never miss out on those messages, no matter how much the pain prevails.