No one’s life is struggles-free

I was recently scrolling through the stories of a woman whose Instagram posts have played a huge role in my journey towards accepting various pieces of myself. She was responding to some assumptions about her, and a couple of people said things along the lines of; you must really love yourself, you’re secure about how you look/the way your body is/etc. and she (not-so-surprisingly) said none of those were true. She explained that she struggles with the very same things that (she doesn’t even know) she’s helped me personally overcome. And I realized that none of this even surprises me anymore.

Not just the fact that someone can pull me out of a dark place that they might personally already be drowning in, but also that the most confident, outspoken and seemingly-secure people out there, often turn out to be fighting the same battles we always think we must be the only ones going through.

It’s always a reminder that no one’s really where we think they are. The pictures we see from a distance, can be very cautiously painted that we almost mistake them for the real thing, but it’s hardly ever what we assume it is. We might not always get the chance to zoom in or watch everyone’s behind-the-scenes, but we can always remind ourselves that no one’s life is struggles-free. No matter how much it might seem like it is from the outside.

And if you struggle with one thing, chances are there’s at least ONE other person out there who struggles with the very same thing and thinks they must be the only one, too. The truth is: they never are, and neither are you. 🤍