New benchmarks


Sometimes it feels like you’re done experiencing every little feeling there is out there. Like your stories only manage to bring out slightly different versions of the same feelings and emotions you already know. That nothing‘s really capable of surprising you anymore.

You hit rock bottom and you think you’re never going to experience anything more devastating. You receive the best news of your life and you feel like nothing can ever top this kind of happiness. You get anxious, scared, or worried and you believe there’s nothing more to those feelings than what you’ve come to learn. You fall in love one day and you’re convinced nothing will ever make your heart beat faster than the person holding your hand.

But then something always manages to show up out of the blue, and introduces a brand new side of you. You start watching in awe, as you try to register this new unusual feeling you feel inside that doesn’t know where it’s heading to. Because it hadn’t really crossed your mind you’d ever have to pave a way for something new. You try to relate it to some other story. You try digging in to find some familiarity. You try making sense of it among the history you’ve grown used to. And yet it keeps wanting to stand out on its own. To create a whole new benchmark of the places it can take you to, and the things it can make out of you.

And you continue watching in awe, wondering how many more feelings could possibly still be out there that you haven’t even come close to. Because no matter how much you’d like to believe otherwise, something will always manage to show up out of the blue.

March 23, 2020