My Jannah on Earth

Growing up, I always had a hard time imagining Jannah. Whenever I heard this part of the Hadith, my mind would always go blank. I mean, if it has everything I can’t even possibly think of, how in the world am I supposed to imagine anything?

And yet, something has been changing recently.

I started going for daily walks, very early in the morning. Before most people are up. Before anything can interrupt the peacefulness around. And before I allow my very worldly thoughts to take over my mind.

I just jump straight out of bed and into the tranquility of the very first hours of daytime.

Being exposed to nature this frequently has been changing something inside me that I can’t exactly explain. I’m slowly realizing I’m able to see beauty everywhere. I notice little details that have long existed, yet never been allowed to sink in earlier.

I now take the time to watch the birds as they effortlessly fly across trees. Sometimes separately, other times together in a group, as they flap their wings so coherently at the same pace. When my eyes follow them to the sky, it somehow feels like I’m part of their group, too. Even when my feet are physically on the ground, I still feel so light that my insides almost mirror their movements, and so delicately flow along.

Then a strong wind wave occasionally hits, drawing my attention to the beautiful green leaves at the very top as they rapidly yet gently touch one another, making a sound very close to that of pouring rain. Exactly in time with the first musical crows of the morning roosters as they announce the beginning of yet another day. It all happens so magically at just the right instances, that for a few seconds there, I feel so at one with every part of nature.

And for the first time this week, I realized that the idea of not being able to imagine Jannah doesn’t sound as troubling anymore.

Because Jannah is now more of a feeling than a scene or a sound. It’s more of an extended version of that first moment when I step out of my building and take in my first breath. When the first genuine smile of the day breaks through my face, despite who’s around to stare. When the first sound of a bird instantly warms the corners of my heart before it even reaches my ears.

That feeling, is Jannah to me. That feeling, is the one I’m ready to survive through every possible worldly pain for, if it means I’ll get to experience more of it in return.

For now, this is my own little Jannah on Earth. And I can’t wait to experience the full version of every little piece of it that I’m still unable to put in words.

Because He, is the most splendidly beautiful Creator of all.