My first artist’s date

This is an idea I came across and really wanted to experiment with, so I decided to give it a try today. I knew it was going to be hard, but I did not know it would fill me with all this joy. It felt too good, I wanted to share it with everyone I know to try doing it, too.

Have you ever done anything similar?
If not, try it out! And let me know how it felt. :’)

I’ve decided to share some of the things I listed, and that I might have not openly acknowledged I love about myself before, so I can smile every time I come across this.

Here we go:

I love that I see God in everything that happens around.
I love how I speak too fast when I start talking about something I’m passionate about.
I love that I can say alhamdulillah and really mean/feel it with every part of my being.
I love how creative I can get on the things I love.
I love that I try not to judge what I don’t know.
I love that I’m able to say ‘I don’t know’ a lot more than I used to.
I love that I unconsciously pick up my loved one’s vocabulary.
I love how when I love someone, they can really tell.
I love how despite the heartbreaks, I still find it in me to start over with new friends.
I love that I enjoy eating the food I make like it’s the best thing I’ve ever tasted.
I love that I believe when someone tells me something nice about myself.
I love that I have nicknames for myself inside my head, and when my tongue sometimes slips and I call myself one of them around someone else.
I love how socially awkward I can get, it makes me so human I’ve stopped minding it.
I love that I’m no longer scared of sharing my true self.
I love that I understand none of the versions of me that keep emerging are ever final.
I love that I can listen, that I love to listen more than I speak.
I love that I’m still able to share my struggles and speak my mind with my loved ones.
I love that I call myself a writer, that I am a writer.
I love that I’m okay with silence.
I love my name and my smile.

I love that I’ve reached a point where I’m willing to write 100 things I love about myself. I love that I actually made it to 100. I’m so proud of how far I’ve come, because I know for a fact that just a few years back, I wouldn’t have been able to list even one.

June 23, 2020