My birthday surprise

Yesterday, I received the most precious gift of my life. A book made up of reflections about my own words, from the most genuine people I’m so blessed to have crossed paths with. I don’t think anything can ever top this. I have read and reread everyone’s words so many times since last night, and I still tear up every single time.

My very first post on this page was about self-doubt. I haven’t stopped doubting myself ever since then. I still write, I still create, and yet there’s always a voice at the back of my mind that never really completely fades away. Sometimes questioning if I even know how to write. Sometimes convincing me that the feedback I get is just people trying to be nice. Sometimes wondering if there’s even a point behind it all, and talking me into deleting this account.

Last night was the first night this voice ever goes quiet.

Every word I read just gradually turned it down.

And I woke up this morning, with a very strong desire to shush that voice that’s also bugging everyone else at the back of their own minds. Minds of people I can literally sit there for hours listening in awe to every single word that comes out of them, and yet they don’t realize how extremely influential they are or how much brilliance they possess. Because this voice will always be there. Messing so bad with our every single step.

I woke up today wanting everyone to feel what I’ve felt reading this book.

Because so much about the world would significantly differ, if every person who’s entirely made up of doubts could only get to see themselves the way other people truly see them. Or know about the difference they‘re unawarely making. For it turns out, nothing ever goes unnoticed.

I woke up today with an immense amount of gratitude. And an energy refill that I know will change so much about my journey going forward.

A big thank you to everyone who has contributed. I might or might not be spending the next couple of days reflecting on this and only this, because what it has made me feel is extremely powerful, and there’s still so much more that needs to be expressed! :’)

Forever grateful. Alhamdulillah.