Morning Page

Day 1 (Dec 5): Are you done with your page for the day?
10 confirmations

"It started well, and then my mind was all over the place I had to stop.." - That's totally fine, it's always a good thing to know when to stop! I hope you'd be able to give it another try. ❤️

"I made it to 3 pages today! It’s meditative, really!! :)" - Wohooo! Good jobbb!

"It's great. I want to write about many things but I was lazy to start. I find that this challenge is a sign to me to start now even if I won't write everyday of the challenge period but it isn't late to start. Thank you ❤️" - Thank YOU for joining! And yes, it's okay if you're not able to do it everyday, as long as you start somewhere. :')

"It was nice actually.. I had a lot of thoughts before sleeping and when I woke up I let it all out 💗" - I smiled so wide as I read this! :)) Soso happy you were able to let them out!

"Actually I forgot we were supposed to write 1 page. I stopped when I had nothing to say." - 👌🏻👌🏻

Day 2 (Dec 6): Are you done with your page for the day?
8 confirmations

"Yes, one more thing is added to the things I wake up for ❤️ I think it will help me in routine building.. 🥰" - Yay! This makes me really happy! :))

"It gets really hard sometimes, seeing those thoughts on paper! And in the morning is when I usually have the hardest of thoughts!" -Relatable! 🙈 🙈 

"Yes. I like writing at night to fill the paper with what happened during day and what was really remarkable in each day separately. Writing at morning so different, it may be about a message to us or to the world or to the people around us, may also be about fears scared us at night or just thoughts/overthinking come to our minds and we choose to share it with our papers." - This is interesting, thank you for sharing!!

"Happy that I finally wrote in the morning. It was nice and yes, it feels different but I don't know how to describe it." - Sameee, I believe both have their own beauty, yet the Morning Pages somehow help me dig into things that I wasn't ever aware I'd been thinking about!

Day 3 (Dec 7): Are you done with your page for the day?
9 confirmations

"It depends on the time I have, to write and to go to work. These days, I'm always late in the morning so usually my limit is 1 page." - Relatable 🙊 I'm so glad you're able to do the one page before you leave! 🙂

"I feel that there is no more words in my head and I wrote what I want through those pages and that is enough." - I like that! 👌🏽

"It’s 8 PM pages today! 🙂 Today, I just committed to writing 3 full pages of my notebook, so I stopped when there wasn’t any space to write in any longer in the 3rd page. I wanted to stop earlier, but I needed to push myself to finish the target I had in mind, which is the 3 pages. Yet, generally, sometimes I stop writing, and then come back after 5 minutes to write some more.. I think if there’s nothing to make me stop writing for the day, I would just keep on writing every now and then. However, some days my mind just goes blank on me, it gives me nothing much to write about, and I just keep saying words that are empty (I hope you get what I mean). It feels like my mind refuses to talk to me! Other times, which are the majority of times, my mind doesn’t stop talking at all!" - I'm really happy to know you still wrote even when you missed doing it in the morning. Yay! And I totally get what you mean by finding the words on some days and not finding them on others. It's a journey of ups and downs after all, I hope you never give up on it though. ❤️❤️

Day 4 (Dec 8): Are you done with your page for the day?
10 confirmations

"Today I wrote at work during my break. It feels different. I felt some relief. I was more telling about things happened ad how they made me feel." - I love that writing brings you relief. :') May it always comfort you!

"I'm so happy to take part in this challenge. I write more than 1 page everyday and I think I'll make "morning page" as a habit to write anything every single day." - This really, really makes me happy! I'm sooo glad you're part of this, too! :))

Day 5 (Dec 9): Are you done with your page for the day?
9 confirmations

"I answered this question more than once before and each time I answer it like it's my first time specially I don't remember my previous answers 🙂 I think my favourite part is having my me and my inner me time and seeing or knowing something that is inside me but I didn't notice it until I wrote on papers." - I always love reading your answers, and I lovelove this! 🙂

"When I write what I feel whatever good or bad. Also, when I write something happened made me happy to be a memory brings the smile to me when I read it. When I write anything about myself and have the encouragement to fill papers with." This is lovelyyy! Thank you for sharing!

"كل شئ يصبح اخف واكثر وضوحا ويفسح المجال لغيره فاصبح اكثر قدره ولو قليلا على تحمل المزيد" - جملة بتلخص حاجات كتييير ❤️

"Writing is becoming my best friend.. It always has been, it’s just that we got apart for quite some time, but we’re back now I guess. My favorite part about writing is that it’s there ready to listen to me with no judgements at all.- Allah ❤️❤️  So true!

"Connection with myself & accepting it.. I see this reflected in my life as well ❤️" - :)))

"firstly, this is the first dayI write finally after 4 days of struggling to,in the crowdedness of the day and Im extremely happy I finally did it. Started writing in a new notebook so it's a whole new start and hopefully helps my consistence. Writing really helps me escape so much of the chaos in my mind,my thoughts are mostly all over the place, sometimes leave me irritable and agitated,sometimes leave me quite and energyless like I've no memory left my mid is spilling out and no brain cells are functioning to help me talk or exert a high energy yield activity. it organizes my thoughts and puts me in some sort of relief that nothing else succeeds in doing. Also writing things down keep them from running away , makes me able to get a good a grip of what I think of and where I stand at exact times. Guides me. There's alot more but I guess this is enough. Im really happy I finally wrote and that Im intending to consistently do it inshaallah. sorry for taking so long, so excited." - I was sooo happy to see your name, and so glad you didn't completely give up on the challenge. Your words totally warmed my heart, I'm really glad to know writing helps you, and I'm so excited for you, too! inshaAllah this will be the beginning of beauuutiful things!

Day 6 (Dec 10): Are you done with your page for the day?
6 confirmations

"I think yes 🙈 especially when I want to write a letter of forgiveness." - That one's tough indeed!

"Yes, but I'm trying and I think that there is a certain time for anything to be done even if it delays." - I totally agree 🙂

Day 7 (Dec 11): Are you done with your page for the day?
5 confirmations

"Since it's the last day of the challenge I decided to try the morning pages as it is supposed to be and not make them afternoon pages. I said I'll write 2 pages but I ended up writing 6 and I don't know what happened. It just felt different. It felt like I am on another level of connection to myself. I was also more vulnerable and honest with myself than I usually am. I really hope I manage to do this more often. Thank you for being a constant source of beauty and inspiration."  - I smiled so hard reading this! So glad your words flew, and thank YOU for always being part of my journey! 🙂

"It was challenging writing in the morning everyday, but Elhamdolellah I was able to write in the morning for 4 days out of 7 and the rest were afternoon pages 🙂 Still I like writing in the morning; it shapes the rest of my day 💗" - 4/7 is greatttt! Yay you 🙂