Morning Line

Day 1 (Jan 23): Are you done with your line for the day?
8 confirmations

"I usually struggle a bit with morning lines. I usually say I have nothing to write I didn’t start my day yet, but once I start writing I find a lot of things to write about. I would love to keep morning lines a habit, but couldn’t do it regularly yet." - I can totally relate, that's why I feel it might be helpful to stick to one line for a start (and get back to the rest of the journal later during the day if you want) until you just maintain the habit. Often when I burden myself with writing the entire thing once I wake up, it feels heavier to start. But when I know it's a line, and then I happen to go beyond that, it feels better! I'm still experimenting too though! (:

Day 2 (Jan 24): Are you done with your line for the day?
8 confirmations

"Trying so hard not to pick up my mobile phone to check my social media 🙈😬😬😬 sometimes I success & sometimes I fail ✋🏻"

"Check the mobile, which is not a good thing and have to be worked on tbh:)"

Honestly, same! Been trying to work on it too. I think being conscious of it is an important step, the rest will follow inshaAllah!! 🙂

"My thoughts start the minute I wakeup before even opening my eyes. Sometimes I don't know when did I wake up. I trye to change this habit because it affects my mood. What helps me to get up thinking about breakfast and what I'm having today 😄. Today was the 1st day to write one line befor getting up... I still don't know how I feel about it 🙂" - Breakfast is definitely always an awesome motivator to get out of bed. 😀 That's an awesome tip! I hope you're able to reach the peacefulness you need. 🙂

Day 3 (Jan 25): Are you done with your line for the day?
7 confirmations

"Yes 😍 usually I start after breakfast but I managed to write 1 line for the 2nd day today 💪😍" - YAAAYY! 😍😍

"Yes ♥️" - So glad! 😍😍

Day 4 (Jan 26): Are you done with your line for the day?
7 confirmations

"Writing in the morning is so hard😭I find it hard to find any thoughts in my I am still writing some lines at the end of the day" - That's great! As long as you're writing, that's all that matters. You do what works best for you! :))


Day 5 (Jan 27): Are you done with your line for the day?
8 confirmations

"I'm more focused in the morning 🙂"  - I like that!

"Not sure yet 🙂 May be we can do Morning lines for the next challenge too." - Ohhh I only saw this after posting about the new challenge! Will definitely bring it back again along the way inshaAllah so we could experiment more! (:

Day 6 (Jan 28): Are you done with your line for the day?
8 confirmations

"Yes most of the time 🥰" - Yay youuu! I'm glad 🙂

"yesss most of the time, but not today😂" - That's absolutely fine! Good job 😍 

Day 7 (Jan 29): Are you done with your line for the day?
7 confirmations

"Looking for the next challenge. I'm glad you'll send us prompts 🙂🧡" - Yaayy, I'm excited! 😍

"It is getting better elhamdolellah to write in the morning. I think because I’m ok now with not writing everything in the morning but just writing anything 🥰🥰" Absolutely love the new mindset mashaAllah!! I'm glad it's getting better :') Totally keep doing morning lines if that's what you feel comfortable with! ❤️