More than just relatable


There’s something beautiful about being able to relate to others, on things you thought only make you sound weird. Struggles, feelings, preferences. Whatever it is. The world has this way of making us feel like we’re the only ones who think or do things the way we do. And so we unconsciously choose to hide our little details. But then someone comes along every once in a while, and manages to bring out one of those pieces of you. One that initially makes you feel the need to seal your lips forever after, so you‘d stop letting anything similar out to people who won’t grasp what it means to you. Yet, all the beauty then lies in the unexpected nod you feel in their voice, and the assurance that fills all the uncertain parts of your insides. When you slowly start making sense to your own self. When who you are slowly starts making sense in your own head. When it feels like you no longer need to hide any of what makes you, you. For they, too, happen to share a piece of them that sounds very much like yours. And only then do you realize how none of it sounds anything close to weird. None at all. And you’re able to breathe again, like you’ve never been introduced to the air before.

April 5, 2020