More than an Algorithm

On some days, I’d be aimlessly scrolling through my feed, and somehow, every post I’d come across would seem like it’s directly speaking to me.

Speaking to the confusion I feel towards what’s been on my mind for days, or the tightness in my chest that I thought I was the only one who has to live through.

I’d practically want to screenshot every quote that comes my way and save every reel suggested for me, because of how deep they resonate with an internal struggle I never even voiced out loud.

And I’ve been thinking how, the content I see on a daily basis is usually more or less the same – created by the same people I follow, and bouncing back and forth between the same ideas, yet it can still hit me differently on different days. Not necessarily because of where I am in life, but more because of how much my heart is open to seeing those signs. And how much I’m allowing myself to feel the intensity of whatever I’m going through, that everything suddenly seems to be created just for me.

It’s true those algorithms can have their own agendas, yet it’s always Him who decides to have me pause right at what I need to see, and it’s Him who allows it to land straight inside while I could be completely oblivious to the very same piece the next day.

Everything does speak to me in a way or another, and right now, I can only pray He grants me the capacity, and the openness, to really listen to what they’re meant to say.